Well Development

Pitcher Services provides well development and testing services to the environmental site investigation community. We maintain bailers, surging rods, pumps and water quality testing equipment for smaller well development projects.


Well development is an important aspect of monitoring and water well installation. It is the process of clearing the well of fines left by the drilling operation and flushing these fine particles out of the gravel and aquifer between the well screen and the first few feet of the aquifer.

Surging: raising and lowering a surge block or surge plunger inside the well

Bailing: removing sediments from the well with a sand bailer to prevent sand locking of the surge block

Jetting: lowering a small diameter pipe into the well above the well screen and injecting water or air under pressure

Overpumping: pumping at a rate rapid enough to draw water level low and allowing it to recharge (repeated until sediment free water is produced)

For People, For Planet

Pitcher Services is the company many engineers in California have known and come to trust. If you are new, we welcome the opportunity to build a long-term partnership based on our client-focused solutions.

We are proud of our partnership with the Operating Engineers Union #3 and #12 and as part of Sealaska, are an Alaska Native owned company.

As part of Sealaska’s Woocheen group of companies, our over arching goal is that of ocean health. We are dedicated to the philosophy of “For People, For Planet”