Geotechnical Testing
Pressuremeter Testing
Pitcher operates the TEXAM Pressuremeter manufactured by RocTest. The TEXAM PMT is deployed in a pre-drilled borehole. The PMT probe is filled with water in uniform increments and an insitu stress-strain curve is obtained by plotting the injected volume against pressure.
Vane Shear Testing
Pitcher operates the Geonor H-10 vane system. The Geonor H-10 uses an up-hole motor to turn the downhole vane for the test. Vane shear testing provides an in-situ measurement of undrained shear strength. The system uses different vane sizes for downhole testing. Vane Selection is based upon the expected strength of the soils being tested.
Dilatometer & Seismic DMT Testing
Pitcher deploys a seismic dilatometer (SDMT) made by Studio Marchetti in Italy. The probe is capable of conducting dilatometer and seismic testing down to 50m, or approx. 150ft in depth.
For additional information on the Dilatometer, please see our equipment page.
We’re ready for you
With more than 90 years experience drilling in California and surrounding states, Pitcher Services is your reliable and quality partner. We hope to demonstrate our value through our capable equipment, knowledgeable and experienced personnel and our exceptional safety standards.